Founder Message

Founder Message

 On behalf of all our faculty, staff and students, I am pleased to welcome you at Dr. Mahmud Hasan Academy (DMHA).

Our aim is to ensure that all children are given the opportunity to reach their fullest potential, both academically and socially, and are part of a successful learning community that prepares them for the future. Which was my father late Dr. Mahmud Hasan’s dream. He always devoted himself towards doing something for the society. This institute is also one of his commitments which he could not fulfill. We the family of late Dr. Mahmud Hasan put our hands together with our other four director’s  to fulfill his dream project.

Our building provides a wonderful environment for learning, including art IT facilities and spaces for children to work in smaller groups.

Our unique role within the community as “critical friends” is vital for evaluating and determining the strategic development of the school.  Together, we need to explore the “vision” for the school community that we wish to create and the steps by which this may be achieved.  I have no doubt that the combined experience, skills and knowledge of our governing body, leadership team and staff will ensure we offer the very best to all the members of the school community.

I wish everyone associated with the school well for the upcoming year and look forward to meeting many of you at the various school events.


Best Wishes,

Akhtaruddin Mahmud Parvez

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